Tools – Technology

FAQs about Petilo, the smart identity for pets

Συχνές ερωτήσεις για το Petilo

As a technology company, we have created a revolutionary intelligent pet identity, Petilo. Unlike conventional pet IDs, Petilo offers a comprehensive digital profile for our little friends. With NFC technology and QR codes, Petilo makes sure that information about your favorite friend is readily available to anyone who scans it. Below we will answer the most frequently asked questions about ilo’s smart identity for pets.

Do I need to download an app to use Petilo?

No app required. The profile is managed through our administrative interface, With the activation codes you will find on the packaging, you can log in and create the digital profile of your little friend.

Does the person scanning Petilo need to have an app?

No, when scanning the smart identity for pets, it automatically opens the digital profile we have created (web based). So, if someone finds our little friend and scans Petilo on his collar, he can see our contact details and get in touch with us. They can also be informed about any allergy our pet may have and many other useful facts that ensure that it will remain safe for as long as it is away.

Is there any subscription?

No, there is no subscription. You can purchase Petilo choosing the color you like, create your pet’s profile by inserting all the useful information, hang it on the collar and you’re good to go!

Do I need to charge my Petilo?

Petilo does not need to be charged. The NFC technology used by the smart identity for pets works as soon as it contacts a mobile device to display the profile of our furry friend.

Can I see my pet’s location at any time?

As Petilo is not a tracking device, it must be scanned to notify you of its location. When the ID is scanned or tapped, a notification showing the location will be sent to your email.

Is Petilo waterproof?

Yes, it is waterproof. Knowing how active our pets can be, we made sure that the tag is made of durable material. You can safely hang it on your pet’s collar!

Can I attach the ID to my cat’s collar?

Of course! Petilo is designed to be comfortable for dogs and cats alike. To protect your pet regardless of its size and breed.

How does the notification calendar work?

Within ilo’s management interface, you will find a calendar on each Petilo you have activated. By clicking on the management button, you are directed to your pet’s diary. Clicking on the day you want opens a tab to add the reminder details. Set a title, notes, and when you want to be notified and tap the Add button to save the event to the calendar. Never forget your next vet appointment!

Is Petilo compatible with all devices?

Yes, the smart ID works fine with both iOS and Android devices. It contains NFC technology and QR code for older generation mobiles that do not support NFC. Just Tap or Scan!

And why should I take Petilo for my pet?

By using Petilo you have the opportunity to create a complete and interactive digital profile with all the necessary information about your pets. Update data at any time, set reminders, provide a safety net for your furry friends. It’s a handy and smart ID for all pets! But it’s not just a tag for your pets. It’s their voice when you’re not around.

You can make your purchase today from our website! Choose the Petilo you like and make sure your beloved friend is secure.