Tools – Technology

The Benefits of a Business Card with NFC

Τα οφέλη μιας επαγγελματικής κάρτας με NFC

In this article we will try to analyze the benefits of a business card with NFC and the reasons for using it in our daily lives.

First, we would like to mention that our whole team uses ilo business cards with NFC and every time we introduce ourselves to someone who is not familiar with the NFC technology we feel very proud seeing their reaction…

Usually the comments we receive are: Wow! How does this card works? It is incredible! How can I make my own?

As you know, it’s very important to make an impression in the first business, and not only, contact. Ilo business card with NFC will serve you ideally.

However, in our opinion, much more important than the impression, is the ecological impact. As you understand, printing paper business cards that usually end up in the trash and when you look for them you cannot find them is definitely not the best. Mind that the average professional print about 300 cards each year. A single business card with NFC from ilo is all you need!

Extra benefits of a business card with NFC

Don’t forget that the covid pandemic, for better or worse, changed our lives forever. One of the most important change is that it made us more careful about get in touch with objects. From this aspect business cards with NFC make us feel more safe. One tap or scan with a smartphone is enough!

NFC is a technology that we encounter everywhere in the modern life and it came to stay. From our credit card to tracking devices (AirTag etc) we unknowingly use the benefits of NFC in our daily lives. With ilo card all your data are automatically transferred to the interlocutor’s mobile and with a few clicks are stored forever in it! Get your own ilo business card here.

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