Hospitality – Guest Experience

ilo box – Usage and features

ilo box - Xρήση και δυνατότητες

The ILO box was made to suit all businesses that want to share information with their visitors ecologically and contactless. Ιt fits perfectly especially in tourism and catering business! The purpose of this blog is to give you ideas on how you can use it in your business.

How to use ilo boxes?

If you manage a hotel, let us inform you about some of the reasons that will make you love the ILO box !!

  • Menu:When we refer to menu we do not mean just one but multiple menus (eg pool bar menu, restaurant menu, wine list etc.) always friendly to your visitors’ mobiles. Also as administrators you can easily and quickly modify the menu any time (without the need of an IT, graphic designer, web-developer) even from your mobile. For example, you can create day offers on spot or add new categories with offers. Finally, your guests can access the menus from every part of your accommodation where the ilo box is placed.
  • WiFi: One touch on the ILO box is enough for your visitors to get the WiFi password and log in your network easily.
    Hours of service: During their stay, your guests can see any time the operating hours of all the facilities and services. (eg spa, swimming pool, restaurant, etc.).
  • Custom Links: Our goal is to enable and motivate hotel managers to create and name their own links and functions. For example, hotel guests need to fill in so far the check-in form with all the necessary details, during the check in process. Now with custom links the hotel manager can create a Google form, with all the information he needs to gather during check-in from guests, and name it in the ILO profile as he wants (eg check in form). So guests just by touching the ilo box, upon entering the reception, will be able to easily fill in the form from their mobile phone.
  • Reviews: You can encourage your customers to rate you within the platforms you suggest (tripadvisor, booking etc.).
  • Social media: Share your profiles on social media(Facebook, Instagram etc.) and encourage your customers to interact with you.
  • Contact: Enable your guests to save your hotel contact details on their mobile phone.

These are some of the functions you can get with ILO BOX and of course without the need of any application!

We will be happy to answer all your questions as well as to co-develop our products with you, based on your ideas!

View here 5 reasons to equip your business with the ilo box