Hospitality – Guest Experience

5 reasons to equip your hotel with ilo box

5 λόγοι για να εξοπλίσετε το ξενοδοχείο σας με ilo box

One of the reasons we started this project is because we are a generation that grew up with digital technology and we are well informed of how much it has changed our society.

So a good reason it’s worth embracing new technologies is to simplify daily life with easier self-management and more flexibility, in order to save time and reduce costs.

Even stronger is our belief that technology should help us build a more ecological model of life.

In this blog we will refer to 5 reasons why it is worth equipping your business with ilo boxes.

  1. Ensuring hygiene-covid free
    • Your visitors no longer need to get in physical contact with menu lists or flyers.
  2. Technology upgrade
    • Bring your business up to date with technologies that will win over impressions and ensure good reviews only.
  3. Environmental awareness
    • Stop printing useless brochures, menus and newsletters with a minimum lifespan.
  4. Flexibility and autonomy
    • You need no more an IT, graphic designer or web development companies to communicate some information. Start managing all the information easily from your mobile phone.
  5. Harmony with your space
    • You will not have to spoil the aesthetics of your space with stickers and printed matters on every wall and table.

These are just some of the reasons why you will love the ILO box in your area.

See also how you can use the ilo box here